Documentación Optafeeds

Actualizado: April 22 2021 17:49:30


Se almacenan estadísticas para un equipo en un partido.

Campo Tipo Descripción
id int Llave primaria autoincremental
match_team_id int Llave foránea - relación padre
type varchar Tipo de estadística
text varchar Valor de la estadística
created_at varchar Fecha de creación
updated_at varchar Fecha de actualización

Las opciones de tipo=>valor disponibles corresponden a la documentación de Opta:

type text
accurate_back_zone_pass A pass that is successful and ends in a player’s own half of the pitch (excludes throw-ins and keeper throws)
accurate_corners_intobox Accurate corner distributions into the box – can include long balls if the corner kick is passed further than 35 yards
accurate_cross Accurate crosses (via corners, open play and set pieces)
accurate_cross_nocorner Accurate crosses (including freekicks but excluding corners)
accurate_fwd_zone_pass An accurate pass that ends in the attacking half of the pitch (including crosses but excluding throw-ins and keeper throws). Please note that the standard Opta definition for passes excludes crosses.  In order to comply with this definition you must remove accurate_cross
accurate_goal_kicks Accurate goal kicks (from goalkeeper)
accurate_keeper_throws Accurate throws from the goalkeeper in open play
accurate_launches Long ball played forward without an obvious target but successfully finds a team-mate
accurate_layoffs A successful pass by a striker who has received the ball with his back to goal and then plays the ball back towards team-mates
accurate_long_balls Accurate passes further than 35 yards (excluding throw-ins, crosses, keeper throws)
accurate_pass All accurate passes (excluding throw-ins, keeper throws and crosses)
accurate_through_ball Accurate passes that leave a player one-on-one with the goalkeeper
accurate_throws All accurate throw-ins
aerial_lost Unsuccessful aerial duels. Definition of an aerial duel: Two outfield players compete for the ball, with either both players jumping or only one jumping and the other contesting the header by making it difficult to win, where one player wins the contest with a header. In the case of an outfield player and a goalkeeper competing for the ball where the goalkeeper punches it clear, this is also classed as an aerial duel.)
aerial_won Successful aerial duels
*All "attempt" attributes listed below (those stat types starting with ‘att_’ ) exclude own goals. Also, unless stated otherwise, attempts at goal do not include shots/headers which were blocked – these are logged with statistics for blocked shots
att_bx_centre Shot from the centre of the box
att_obx_centre Total shots from outside the box, in the centre (less than 35 yards out)
att_corner Shot that came after a corner was taken
att_fastbreak Shot resulting from a counter-attack
att_freekick_goal Goal from a direct free kick
att_freekick_target A direct free kick saved by the goalkeeper (i.e. not blocked by an outfield player on the line)
att_freekick_total Total shots from direct free kicks
att_goal_high_centre A goal in the top centre of the goal
att_goal_high_left A goal in the top left of the goal
att_goal_high_right A goal in the top right of the goal
att_goal_low_centre A goal in the bottom centre of the goal
att_goal_low_left A goal in the bottom left of the goal
att_goal_low_right A goal in the bottom right of the goal
att_hd_goal A headed goal
att_hd_miss A headed attempt off target
att_hd_post A headed attempt that hits the woodwork
att_hd_target A headed attempt that is saved by the goalkeeper (i.e. not blocked by an outfield player on the line)
att_hd_total Total headed attempts
att_ibox_blocked Shot attempt from inside the box that is blocked (excludes any shots saved/cleared off the line in a defensive act – this is not the same as a regular goalkeeper save on the line)
att_ibox_goal Goal from a shot inside the box
att_ibox_miss Attempt off target from a shot inside the box
att_ibox_post Post/crossbar hit from a shot inside the box
att_ibox_target Shot from inside the box that are saved by the goalkeeper (i.e. not blocked by an outfield player on the line)
att_ibox_own_goal own goal from inside the box
att_obox_own_goal own goal from outside the box
att_lf_goal Goal from a left-footed shot
att_lf_target Left-footed shot that was saved by the goalkeeper (i.e. not blocked by an outfield player on the line)
att_lf_total Total left -footed shots
att_miss_high Attempt that misses - over the crossbar
att_miss_high_left Attempt that misses - over the crossbar and left
att_miss_high_right Attempt that misses - over the crossbar and right
att_miss_left Attempt that misses - to the left
att_miss_right Attempt that misses - to the right
att_obox_blocked Shot from outside the box that is blocked before reaching the goal (excludes any shots saved/cleared off the line in a defensive act – this is not the same as a regular goalkeeper save on the line)
att_obox_goal Goal from a shot outside the box
att_obox_miss Shot that misses the goal completely that is from outside the box
att_obox_post Shot from outside the box that hit the woodwork
att_obox_target Shot from outside the box that was saved by the goalkeeper (i.e. not blocked by an outfield player on the line)
att_obp_goal Goal scored with other body part
att_one_on_one A shot attempt where the attacker was in a one-on-one situation against the goal keeper
att_openplay A shot attempt that came in open play or in a fast break
att_pen_goal Penalty goal
att_pen_miss A penalty shot that goes wide of the goal or over the crossbar
att_pen_post A penalty that hits the woodwork
att_pen_target A penalty that was saved by the goalkeeper
att_post_high A shot that hits the crossbar
att_post_left A shot that hits the left post
att_post_right A shot that hits the right post
att_rf_goal Right-footed goals
att_rf_target Right-footed shots that were saved by the goalkeeper (i.e. not blocked by an outfield player on the line)
att_rf_total Total right-footed shots
att_setpiece A shot that came directly after a set-piece (corner, free kick or throw-in)
att_sv_high_centre Shot that is saved in the top centre part of the goal (i.e. not blocked by an outfield player on the line)
att_sv_high_left A shot that is saved in the top left of the goal (i.e. not blocked by an outfield player on the line)
att_sv_high_right A shot that is saved in the top right of the goal (i.e. not blocked by an outfield player on the line)
att_sv_low_centre A shot that is saved in the bottom centre part of the goal (i.e. not blocked by an outfield player on the line)
att_sv_low_left A shot that is saved in the low, left part of the goal (i.e. not blocked by an outfield player on the line)
att_sv_low_right A shot that is saved in the low, right part of the goal (i.e. not blocked by an outfield player on the line)
attempts_conceded_ibox An attempt conceded from a shot from inside the box
attempts_conceded_obox An attempt conceded from a shot from outside the box
back_pass Free kick for passing back to goalkeeper
ball_recovery When a player takes possession of a loose ball
blocked_scoring_att Shot blocked (excludes any shots saved/cleared off the line in a defensive act, which is not the same as a regular goalkeeper save on the line)
challenge_lost Challenge that did not make contact, i.e. a missed challenge where the player was dribbled past (therefore there cannot be a challenge_won metric)
clean_sheet No goals conceded in the game (player must play 90 minutes)
clearance_off_line Clearance/blocked shot off the line
contentious_decision Any major talking point or error made by the referee
corner_taken Player takes a corner
cross_not_claimed Goalkeeper tries to catch a cross but misses the ball
crosses_18yard A cross caught by the goalkeeper when delivered from within 18 yards of the by-line.
crosses_18yardplus A cross caught by the goalkeeper when delivered from further than 18 yards from the by-line.
dangerous_play Foul for play which could cause serious injury to an opponent
defender_goals A goal scored by a defender
dispossessed Player is dispossessed on the ball by an opponent – no dribble involved
dive_catch Goalkeeper dives and catches the shot
dive_save Goalkeeper dives and parries/deflects the ball to a safe area
duel_lost Duel over the possession of the ball where a player loses the ball – doesn’t include ‘over-run’ situations, where the attacking player takes on an opponent but the ball runs away from them out of play or to an opponent. NB: duel_lost – aerial_lost = the amount of lost duels that were deemed only ground duels
duel_won Duel over the possession of the ball where a player wins the ball. NB: duel_won – aerial_won = the amount of won duels that were deemed only ground duels
effective_clearance A successful defensive clearance – where a player under pressure kicks the ball clear of the defensive zone or/and out of play
effective_head_clearance A successful defensive clearance via a header – where a player under pressure heads the ball clear of the defensive zone or/and out of play
error_lead_to_goal A mistake which leads to the opposition scoring
error_lead_to_shot A mistake which leads to an opposition shot
final_third_entries A pass or other action where the ball moves from outside the final third into the final third
fk_foul_won Free kicks won when fouled or as a result of dangerous play by the opposition (does not include handball or penalties)
fk_foul_lost Free kicks conceded to the opposition via fouls, handballs, dangerous play, 6-second violations, or back passes (includes penalties)
forward_goals Goals scored by strikers
fouls Fouls committed
fouled_final_third A foul that occurs in the final third of the pitch (in relation to the attacking player’s final third, i.e. the attacking third)
game_started Kick Off – game starts
gk_smother Goalkeeper successfully takes possession by diving down to collect a loose ball that a striker is chasing
goal_assist Player assists a goal by passing the ball to the player who scored the goal
goal_assist_intentional Qualifier for an assist to confirm that the assisting player had a direct intention to set up a goal attempt
goal_kicks Goalkeeper restarts play with a goal kick
goals Goal scored
goals_conceded Goal conceded
goals_conceded_ibox Goal conceded from a shot inside the box
goals_conceded_obox Goal conceded from a shot outside the box
good_high_claim Goalkeeper catches a cross
goals_openplay goals scored from regular play or on a fast break
hand_ball Free kick given for handball (included in the foul_lost statistic but not foul_won)
head_clearance Clearance via a header
head_pass Pass from a header (this statistic always implies a successful headed pass)
interception A defending player intercepts a pass between opposition players
interceptions_in_box Interception made within the penalty area
keeper_pick_up Goalkeeper picks the ball up - usually under pressure
keeper_throws Goalkeeper throw-outs
last_man_contest Player successfully beat the last man in a dribble
last_man_tackle A player makes a defensive action/tackle and is the last person between the opponent and the goal
long_pass_own_to_opp Long pass made from a player’s own half into the opposition’s half
long_pass_own_to_opp_success Successful long pass from a player’s own half into the opposition’s half
lost_corners Corner conceded
mins_played Minutes played by player (This data point is not available during a live game and is calculated at the end of the match)
midfielder_goals Goals scored by midfielders
offside_provoked Awarded to the last defender when an offside decision is given
offtarget_att_assist Player assists another player, who takes a shot but misses the goal
ontarget_att_assist Player assists another player, who takes a shot that is on target (includes goals)
ontarget_scoring_att Shot on target (i.e. applies for a shot that was not blocked, and did not hit woodwork, but may have been saved off the line by a player on the defending team)
outfielder_block Defender blocks a shot
own_goals Own goal conceded
passes_left Pass to the left wing (attacking half)
passes_right Pass to the right wing (attacking half)
pen_goals_conceded Penalty goal conceded (and scored) against the team in question
penalty_conceded Penalty awarded against the team in question (including handballs) - differs from "pen_goals_conceded" in that the penalty kick has been conceded but the opposition may or may not have scored the penalty
penalty_save Penalty save made
penalty_won Player fouled within the penalty box (excludes any penalties won for handball)
possession_percentage The percentage of overall ball possession the given team had during the game
post_scoring_att Shot on goal which hits the woodwork
punches Goalkeeper punches the ball clear from a high ball
red_card Red card
saved_ibox Shot saved from shot inside the box
saved_obox Shot saved from shot outside the box
saved_setpiece Shot saved from a direct free kick
saves Total goalkeeper saves
second_yellow Second yellow card given
second_goal_assist A pass to create an opportunity for another player to assist a goal
shot_off_target Shot wide or over the goal
six_second_violation Foul conceded by goalkeeper holding the ball beyond the six-second rule
six_yard_block A shot blocked from an attempt inside the six-yard box
stand_catch Goalkeeper saves a shot by standing and catching
stand_save Goalkeeper saves a shot by standing and deflecting/parrying
subs_made Number of substitutions made
total_att_assist Player assists a shot (including goals). Also known as 'chances created' or key passes.
total_back_zone_pass Total number of passes that end in the player’s own half – excluding throw-ins and keeper throws
total_clearance Total number of clearances
total_contest A dribble past a player attempted (contests always involve 2 players) – doesn’t include ‘overrun’ situations where the attacking player takes on an opponent but the ball runs away from them out of play or to an opponent
total_corners_intobox Total corners that reached the box – includes long balls if the corner kick is passed greater than 35 yards
total_cross Total number of crosses (via corners, open play and set pieces)
total_cross_nocorner Total number of crosses that are not from corners
total_fastbreak Total number of fast breaks that occurred
total_fwd_zone_pass Total number of passes that end in the opposition half (includes crosses). Please note that the standard Opta definition for passes excludes crosses. In order to comply with this you must remove total_cross
total_high_claim Total number of high claims by goalkeeper
total_launches Number of long balls launched forward into an area of the pitch rather than to a specific team-mate
total_layoffs Total passes by a striker who has received the ball with his back to goal and then plays the ball back towards team-mates
total_long_balls Total passes longer than 35 yards
total_offside Total offsides
total_pass An aggregate of all attempted (successful or unsuccessful) passes excluding throw-ins, keeper throws and crosses. (Please note: This number cannot be calculated from the individual passing statistics within this feed.)"
total_scoring_att Total shots at goal (excludes own goals)
total_sub_off Number of players substituted off
total_sub_on Number of players substituted on
total_tackle Total number of tackles
total_through_ball Total number of through-balls. This is a type of pass where the ball is played through to a team-mate, bisecting the opposition defensive line and leaving a player one-on-one with the goalkeeper (excluding throw-ins, keeper throws and crosses)
total_throws Total number of throw-ins
total_yel_card Total number of yellow cards awarded to the team overall
total_red_card Total number of red cards awarded to the team overall
touches Total sum of a team’s on-the-ball events
turnover Previously collected as a standalone stat, this is now added as a qualifier to events where possession is lost
was_fouled Number of fouls on the player
won_contest Total dribbles where a team player beats an opponent – no over-runs
won_corners Total corners forced by the team
won_tackle Total tackles won by the team (winning possession or putting the ball out of play)
yellow_card Yellow cards awarded to the team
total_flick_on Total number of passes (successful or unsuccessful) which are “flicked” on to a running team-mate - usually a header
accurate_flick_on Total number of passes which are “flicked” on and successfully find a team-mate – usually a header
total_chipped_pass Total number of passes (successful or unsuccessful) which are lofted into the air and not along the ground – does not include crosses
accurate_chipped_pass Total number of successful passes played in the air and not along the ground – does not include crosses
blocked_cross Total number of opposition crosses blocked by the team
shield_ball_oop A defender shields the ball with his body from an opponent as the ball rolls out of play
foul_throw_in Throw-in taken incorrectly
effective_blocked_cross Total number of opposition crosses blocked by the team resulting in possession being won
penalty_faced Goalkeeper faced a penalty kick
total_pull_back An attacking player reaches the byline and passes the ball in a backwards direction (successful or unsuccessful)
accurate_pull_back An attacking player reaches the byline and successfully passes the ball in a backwards direction to a team mate
total_keeper_sweeper Goalkeeper attempts to come off his line and win possession of the ball
accurate_keeper_sweeper Goalkeeper comes off his line, wins the ball and wins possession for his team
goal_assist_openplay A goal assist from an open play situation
goal_assist_setplay A goal assist from a corner, free kick or throw-in, where the assist itself may be several passes after the set play in question. (See goal_assist_deadball for assists directly from a set play)
att_assist_openplay A shot assist from an open play situation
att_assist_setplay A shot assist from a corner, freekick or throw-in, where the assist itself may be several passes after the set play in question
overrun A player attempts a dribble but hits the ball too far ahead and loses it
interception_won Interception where the player wins and retains possession of the ball
big_chance_created A pass which led to a clear-cut scoring opportunity e.g. one-on-one situation or a shot from just a few yards out
big_chance_missed A clear-cut scoring opportunity which was not converted / scored
big_chance_scored A goals scored from a clear-cut chance
unsuccessful_touch A player only touched the ball and lost possession – bad control
fwd_pass A pass forward (excludes throw-ins, keeper throws, goal kicks and crosses)
backward_pass A pass backward (excludes throw-ins, keeper throws, goal kicks and crosses)
leftside_pass A pass to a player on the left hand side of the pitch in the opposition half (excludes throw-ins, keeper throws and crosses)
rightside_pass A pass to a player on the right hand side of the pitch in the opposition half (excludes throw-ins, keeper throws and crosses)
successful_final_third_passes Total number of successful passes where the ball ends in the final third of the pitch (excludes throw-ins, keeper throws and crosses)
total_final_third_passes Total number of passes (successful or unsuccessful) where ball ends in the final third of the pitch (excludes throw-ins, keeper throws and crosses)
rescinded_red_card Red card rescinded by the referee
diving_save Combination of ALL diving saves and catches, including saves where the ball ends up still in danger in the possession of an attacking player
poss_won_def_3rd Total number of times possession was regained in the defensive third of the field
poss_won_mid_3rd Total number of times possession was regained in the midfield third of the field
poss_won_att_3rd Total number of times possession was regained in the attacking third of the field
poss_lost_all Total losses of possession
poss_lost_ctrl Total losses of possession excluding clearances & long goalkeeper distribution
goal_fastbreak Goals scored from a fast break situation
shot_fastbreak Shots made following a fast break situation
pen_area_entries A pass or other action where the ball moves from outside to inside the penalty area
final_third_entry Total passes which end within the attacking third
hit_woodwork Total number of occasions the ball hit the woodwork in any situation (includes blocked onto or saved, but not goals)
goal_assist_deadball Assist directly from a corner or free kick
freekick_cross A ball played into the box directly from a free kick (successful or unsuccessful)
accurate_freekick_cross A ball played into the box directly from a free kick that successfully found a team-mate
open_play_pass Any type of pass in open play (successful or unsuccessful)
successful_open_play_pass Any type of pass to a team-mate in open play
attempted_tackle_foul A foul event with "attempted tackles" qualifier assigned
fifty_fifty Where two players attempt to get to the same ball, the player who gets there first is assigned a 50-50 won, the other player is assigned a 50-50 lost. (Note this is only collected for German Bundesliga 1 and 2)
successful_fifty_fifty A 50-50 battle for the ball is won. (Note this is only collected for German Bundesliga 1 and 2)
blocked_pass A player blocks a pass at close range
failed_to_block A defending player's failed attempt to block a pass/cross/shot. (Note this is only collected for German Bundesliga 1 and 2)
put_through An attacking player who plays a pass/cross/shot through an attempted block
successful_put_through Same as above
assist_pass_lost A heavily deflected pass
assist_blocked_shot A shot blocked by a defender and scored on the rebound
assist_attempt_saved A shot saved by the goalkeeper but scored on rebound
assist_post A shot that hits the woodwork and is scored on rebound
assist_free_kick_won A foul won that leads to a direct free kick scored
assist_handball_won A player forces a handball which results in a free kick scored
assist_own_goal A player shoots or passes, forcing a defender to put the ball in his own goal
assist_penalty_won An assist assigned to a player who wins a penalty which is taken and scored by a team-mate
shots_conc_onfield Total shots conceded by the team while the player was on the field
goals_conc_onfield Total goals conceded by the team while the player was on the field
pts_dropped_winning_pos  Points dropped from winning positions
pts_gained_losing_pos  Points gained from losing positions
touches_in_opp_box Total touches inside the opposition's penalty area